Friday, October 17, 2008

About Ayurveda

About Ayurveda
Etymologically Ayurveda has two word- Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda stands for the knowledge. So strictly speaking Ayurveda is knowledge for life. For what this knowledge is? What is the aim of Ayurveda? Talking about both Paramount Scholars of Ayurveda- Charka and Sushruta has told that- Aim of Ayurveda is to prevent the diseases in a healthy person and to cure the diseased one. They have given these following definitions of Ayurveda-
Ayurveda is a science of life. It tells what is good and what is not for the healthy life.
A science dealing with the details about the life, its endurance and eminence is Ayurveda.
An eternal knowledge, aimed to cure the diseases of all creatures is Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is a science which tells us how to use foods, herbs and other natural resources for maintenance of health.
All natural things and their effect on body is where discussed that science is known as Ayurveda.
Where all ailments of body, psyche and consciousness are cured and made healthy is Ayurveda.
From these definitions it is clear that Ayurveda is a complete knowledge about life, how to live life in a healthy way and to achieve harmony with the nature.

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