Sunday, December 28, 2008

Anti Aging Herbal Tea

Anti Aging Herbal Tea
UsesAnti aging herbal tea is made of an herb which is indigenous to the Cederburg area of South Africa. Due to its widely publicized health benefits, anti aging herbal tea has grown into a billion dollar export industry since the mid twentieth century. The tea has no caffeine and only half the tannin of ordinary tea. Apart from being refreshing to drink, in place of ordinary tea and coffee, it has the advantage of containing minerals and powerful antioxidants. Having no oxalic acid it also does not irritate the kidneys. This herbal tea controls aging, hypertension /stress & blood pressure & cardiac problems. It also fights with fatigue, joint pains, gastric & cough problems, chronic & acute diseases of males and females and gives over all fitness, strength & potential to the body and mind. It stimulates the release of growth hormones (as it decreases with age) in pituitary gland which is responsible for all body functions and maintain youth by keeping physical and mental health. It is useful in keeping normal sexual drive and good relaxing sleep.Why Green Earth Products?The consistent quality tea with an extraordinary flavor offered by Green Earth is available in special air tight packing. The anti aging tea offered by us are available in mesmerizing aroma and amazing taste. Due to this they are quite popular among the masses. They are attractively priced and are preferred by all. Our company supplies aging control teas which are highly effective controlling the skin from aging. It has proved scientifically that it tones up and strengthens heart muscle and arterial system. It is free from nicotine and caffeine. We supply the best quality anti aging herbal tea to our customers.

UsesAnti Acidity Tea

UsesAnti Acidity Tea is brewed from the leaf of Aspalathus linearis, an unique herb with great healing powers. It is less astringent, completely caffeine-free, no oxalic acid and doesn't contain tannins that may interfere with iron absorption. However, it has a higher content of fluoride which might help to protect against tooth decay. Besides, it is rich in a variety of minerals, including potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. This tea is generally beneficial to the digestive system & relaxes spasms. It has been used in the treatment of vomiting, diarrhea & other mild gastric symptoms. It has also been shown to be of benefit in the treatment of a wide range of allergies especially milk allergy, eczema, hay fever & asthma in infants. Anti-acidity tea helps to excrete uric acid which causes gout & lower body acidity. Why Green Earth Products?Green Earth Products is involved with the production and exporting of herbal tea, since its inception. The company was established with a noble thought to produce herbal tea, together with herbal extracts and Indian herbs, to cure common ailments and even advanced diseases. Our main motto is to serve quality products to our customers. We export a wide range of herbal tea, including anti acidity tea. At Green Earth Products , the raw materials are ground very nicely and the medicinal effect of the powder is further enhanced and mixed together. We present the delicious and health granting anti acidity tea as a daily health enhancing drink for its many outstanding health benefits such as reducing stress, improving digestion, boosting immunity and refreshing mind and body etc.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Massage (Abhyanga)

Massage - An Easy Way to Stay Healthy
Massage (Abhyanga) is a type of passive exercise. It is especially good for weak people, who are unable to exercise. Regular massage is the key to good health, and is necessary both for prevention and cure of diseases.An Easy Way to Stay HealthyOil massage is the most common type of massage. Oil should be chosen according to the season and the personal constitution. Sesame oil is the best for massaging according to Ayurveda. In the winter one can also use mustard oil, though it should not be used in summer. However, those in the habit of constant internal use of mustard oil can massage with it in all seasons. Coconut oil and sunflower oil are also good for massaging in hot climate. Olive oil can be used in the winter as it is heating in nature. People with a vata type of body should use warming oils, and those with pitta type will benefit from cooling oils. The kapha types should have dry massage or should use mustard oil after warming. In order to determine what type you are take a constitution test. Method of MassagingOne can either start massage from the feet or from head. In self massage one generally starts from feet, then the legs, hands, abdomen, back, chest, neck, shoulders, face and head. While receiving massage from some one it is generally started from head. There are no specific reasons for this. First apply the oil on the part which is to be massaged. Then massage the part gently with palms till the oil penetrates the body. When massaging, upward strokes should be employed. The motion should be uniform (not too fast and not too slow) and pressure should be applied only on the muscles, not the bones. Different types of actions of fingers and hands are used for massaging different organs. One should receive a massage on an empty stomach. The best time for massaging is early morning or evening. One may wash the oil off after massage. Wait for 20-30 minutes before washing. There should be no anxiety, stress, anger, and worry. The person should concentrate fully on the part being massaged. It is better to get massage from an expert but you can do it yourself too. One should avoid taking a massage when there is too much mucus in the body (aggravation of Kapha), when suffering from fever, and after one has undertaken cleansing therapies like vomiting (emesis) and purgation. Benefits of MassageMassage stimulates the internal functions of the body and provides nourishment to various body tissues. It helps in cleansing the toxins from channels. Massaging with oil provides lubrication to various body mechanisms. It stimulates the different agni (enzymes), increases assimilation of food and increases the vital body fluid called the Ojas. It works at both mental and physical levels of the body. It is beneficial in the case of insomnia, weakness of nerves, laziness, exhaustion, general debility, dry and unhealthy skin.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

kutaki powder

A good anti-bacterial, anti pyretic and hepato protective herb; good for chronic fever. Lt. Name- Picrorhiza kurroaEnglish Name- PicrorhizaIndication-Useful in indigestion, decreased appetite& other diseases caused due to inadequacy of liver functioningHelps in chronic fever, skin diseases and respiratory discomfortLiver is a main site for the different chemical actions inside the body. When bile is secreted adequately it helps the liver to do better. Kutaki is potent to secret the bile in big amounts from the liver. Recent researches have found Kutaki to possess picrorhizin& kutkin glucosides; well known for their hepato protective activity so using Kutaki in any type of hepatitis will be of great use.A well known anti-biotic drug and a good anti-pyratic formula makes it a herb to keep always with you.Presentation:Fine powder of herb in aluminum foil bagHow to use: Take 1/2-1g for alleviating Pitta inside the body; 3-6g to expel out the aggravated Pitta twice a day for liver protection with warm water twice dailySafety profile: It is an herbal formulation without any documented side effect.This information is as per Ayurvedic text. Not approved by FDA.

natural ayurvedic herbs

It helps in rheumatoid arthritis,lymphadenopathy and back pain Lt. Name- Boswelia serrataEnglish Name –Indian olibanum treeIndication-Because of its cold nature it is specially indicated in diseases caused by aggravated Pitta like chronic fever, bleeding disorders, excessive sweating& diarrhea.It works as anti inflammatory substance which is helpful in curbing any kind of swelling and pain due to presence of boswellic acid.It is very commonly used as wound healer herb and used on any kind of injury to make it heal faster in efficientlyIt is very helpful in indigestion, constipation, tastelessness, intestinal disturbance and stomach disorders & specially indicated in colitis.It helps in proper functioning of liver and its secretions i.e. bile juices.This herb has proved its worth in heart related ailments.It also helps in fighting against the urinary tract infections. Also works as diuretic.It also acts as aphrodisiac agent thereby helping in increasing the sperm count and quality.Presentation:Fine resins in air tight aluminum foil bagHow to use: Take one tea spoon full of powder with warm water after taking meals twice daily or consult our doctor to know moreSafety profile:It is an herbal formulation without any documented side effect.This information is as per Ayurvedic text. Not approved by FDA.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Principles of Ayurved

Principles of Ayurved

Ayurveda is a holistic healing science which comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life.
Ayurveda aims at making a happy, healthy and peaceful society
The two most important aims of Ayurveda are:
+ To maintain the health of healthy people
+ To cure the diseases of sick people
A Person is seen in Ayurveda as a unique individual made up of five primary elements.These elements are ether (space), air, fire,water and earth. Just as in nature, we too have these five elements in us. When any of these elements are imbalanced in the environment , they will in turn have an influence on us. The foods we eat and the weather are just two examples of the influence of these elements . While we are a composite of these five primary elements, certain elements are seen to have an ability to combine to create various physiological functions.The elements combine with Ether and Air in dominence to form what is known in Ayurveda as Vata Dosha. Vata governs the principle of movement and therefore can be seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration and elemination etc.,The elements with Fire and Water in dominence combine to form the Pitta Dosha . The Pitta Dosha is responsible for the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients that our bodies can assimilate is an example of a Pitta function. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism.Finally, it is predominantly the water and earth elements which combine to form the Kapha Dosha. Kapha is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. It also offers protection , for example, in form of the cerebral-spinal fluid,which protects the brain and spinal column. The mucousal lining of the stomach is another example of the function of Kapha Dosha protecting the tissues.

We are all made up of unique proportions of Vata,Pitta and Kapha. These ratios of the Doshas vary in each individual and because of this Ayurveda sees each person as a special mixture that accounts for our diversity.Ayurveda gives us a model to look at each individual as a unique makeup of the three doshas and to thereby design treatment protocols that specifically address a persons health challenges. When any of the doshas become accumulated, Ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing the dosha that has become excessive. Also herbal medicines will be suggested , to cure the imbalance and the disease.Understanding this main principle of Ayurveda , it offers us an explanation as to why one person responds differently to a treatment or diet than another and why persons with the same disease might yet require different treatments and medications.
Other important basic principles of Ayurveda which are briefly mentioned here are:
Dhatus- These are the basic tissues which maintain and nourish the body. They are seven in number namely- rasa(chyle), raktha(blood), mamsa(muscles),meda(fatty tissue), asthi(bone), majja(marrow) and sukla(reprodutive tissue). Proper amount of each dhatu and their balanced function is very important for good health.
Mala- These are the waste materials produced as a result of various metabolic activities in the body. They are mainly urine, feaces, sweat etc. Proper elimination of the malas is equally important for good health. Accumulation of malas causes many diseases in the body.
Srotas- These are different types of channels which are responsible for transportation of food, dhatus, malas and doshas. Proper functioning of srotas is necessary for transporting different materials to the site of their requirement. Blockage of srotas causes many diseases.
Agni- These are different types of enzymes responsible for digestion and transforming one material to another.
All these factors should function in a proper balance for good health. They are inter-related and are directly or indirectly responsible for maintaining equilibrium of the tridoshas.
Balance and Harmony of the Three DoshasWhen the three Doshas are well harmonised and function in a balanced manner, it results in good nourishment and well-being of the individual . But when there is imbalance or disharmony within or between them, it will result in elemental imbalance , leading to various kinds of ailments.The Ayurvedic concept of physical health revolves round these three Doshas and its primary purpose is to help maintain them in a balanced state and thus to prevent disease.This humoral theory is not unique to the ancient Indian Medicine : The Yin and Yang theory in chinese medicine and the Hippocratic theory of four humours in Greek medicine are also very similar.

The Qualities of the Three DoshasThe three Doshas possess qualities and their increase or decrease in the system depends upon the similar or antagonistic qualities of everything ingested.Vata is : dry, cold, light, mobile, clear, rough, subtlePitta is : slightly oily, hot, intense, light, fluid,free flowing, foul smelling.Kapha is: oily, cold, heavy, stable, viscid, smooth, soft Both Vata and Pitta are light and only Kapha is heavy.Both Vata and Kapha are cold and only Pitta is hot.Both Pitta and Kapha are moist and oily and only Vata is dry.

Anything dry almost always increases Vata , anything hot increases Pitta and anything heavy , Kapha.Puffed rice is dry, cold light and rough - overindulgence in puffed rice therefore is likely to increase Vata in the overindulger.Mustard oil is oily , hot , intense , fluid , strong-smelling and liquid and increases Pitta in the consumer.Yoghurt , which , being creamy, cold, heavy, viscid, smooth and soft , is the very image of Kapha , adds to the body's Kapha when eaten.All Five elemets , as expressed through Vata, Pitta and Kapha , are essential to life, working together to create health or produce disease. No one dosha can produce or sustain life - all three must work together , each in its own way.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Know your body type

Know your body type
Salient features of Prakruti Analysis by Atharvas-
Personal analysis of Prakruti by well educated Ayurvedic Physicians- No computer analysis
Percentile analysis of Prakruti- as all Doshas together work for body and if we are aiming at only one of these other may get disturbed and cause diseases!
Physio and Psycho are two different parts of body which work together for the healthy body, your Prakruti
Along with Doshas analysis of Mahabhootas and TriGunas percentage in the body Benefits to know Prakruti (Your body type)-
Tells you about your body and its requirements
Guides you to what to do and what not to, for healthy life
Helps to access and know your body very well
You can choose your food which will lead you to health
Tells how you can slow down aging process
Helps to cure the present diseases with herbs and yoga
You can maintain your lifestyle according to the requirements of your body
To prevent diseases by foods and diet, when you know all about needs of your body
To avoid seasonal and age related disorders
Will tell you, how to control anxiety, depression
If you are healthy, it will be good for personal, family and professional life
It will help you to cut the expenses on your health What you will get along with Prakruti analysis-
Detailed diet charts with explanation
Personal lifestyle guideline to live life healthy
Herbal remedies to maintain healthy body and to detoxify it regularly
Useful Yoga postures and Pranayaam techniques for body and mind
Seasonal guidance to avoid the seasonal diseases
General do’s and don’ts
All these guidelines will be according to individual social, climatic and regional conditions
Regular personal e-mails and newsletters guiding you to the way to health
Personal online free consultation To know about the experience of them who are known to their Prakruti and are living a healthy life go to the testimonial page and know it Then what to wait for spare one hour and answer all the questions patiently and live healthy. Just spend 70 USD once on health and save big expenditures on diseases.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prakruti your body type

Prakruti your body type
You have noticed it many times-
Your Dad, mother and your younger sister and you yourself, all have different natures, different tendencies, and different responses towards a same situation.
You hardly suffer from cold and your sister usually does.
Temper of your father is high and yours one is low to bottom.
Your mother loves to stay in cold and your father in hot environment. There are too many differences that list will be too long to discuss. This is not only with you and me. Every family is having same different characters with it. You all stay in same environment and eat same foods!! Then why these differences are there? Answer lies in the concept of Prakruti; let's understand Prakruti.
Understand the Prakruti
Three-fold system of Prakruti
Panchamahabautic Prakruti
TriGunaj Prakruti
Tri-Doshic Prakruti
What Decides Your Prakruti

Understand the Prakruti
Recall some Kate, Peter and Virginia they came to meet you sometime before. Kate came and knocked the door slightly and waited for you for two or three minutes and even you were late to open the door, he was just cool and calm. And Peter!!! Oh my God! He pushed the bell hard and when you were late he shouted on you badly as if you have done something punishable even though you were busy inside; it never matters to him!! The third one ……..yaps! The Virginia!! She came and rang the bell some five to ten times in a short time. And if by chance you were late she was in your lawns, was plucking the leaves of plants there. The thing which made them to react differently is their body type. Each one of us is one out of Kate, Peter and Virginia!!!Kate Peter and Virginia these are three different persons with their own peculiarities with them. They got these peculiarities by birth. They are of same species, same race even then they are different from each other. Basically each of them is having same chromosomal configuration of 23 pairs or in Ayurvedic language the same Panchmahabhootas, TriGunas and Tridoshas. These three components together decide Prakruti of ours.
Three-fold system of Prakruti
Prakruti is a result of interaction between Panchmahabhootas, Trigunas and Tri- Doshas. So Prakruti is also of three types.
According to Panchmahabhootas- Five types according to the dominancy of a Mahabhoota in the body.
According to TriGunas- Sixteen types, seven from Sattva and six because of involvement of Rajas and three from Tamas.
According to Tri-Doshas- Seven types.
Panchamahabautic Prakruti
Prakruti dominated by Akash (Space)
Prakruti dominated by Vayu (Air)
Prakruti dominated by Agni (Fire)
Prakruti dominated by Jala (Water)
Prakruti dominated by Prithvi If you are dominated by Akash, you need to feel the gaps caused by it and if Agni Mahabhoota is profuse in one’s body, he needs coolness of water and Prithvi to calm it. So by knowing this composition, you can find what kind of food can help building your body weight or can help to reduce weight.
TriGunaj Prakruti
These universal energies control Psyche of each and every cell of our body and help to make decision by body. Where these energies lost their consciousness and harmony in between these three, body starts to think in an erroneous way. Depression, anxiety and psychosis all are consequences of disturbance. By knowing this Prakruti, one can understand how to interact with external environment to make inner environment healthy. These are of three types mainly and then subdivided in sixteen:
Satvika individuals are usually noble and spiritual in character, their nature determined as much by body type as their star constellation. Satvika Subtype Qualities are:
Gandharva Rajasikas are vulnerable to temptations, are very human in their character and approach to life:-
Sakuna A dominant Vata ensures that Tamasika individuals are the most down to earth, concerned about fundamental questions of practical existence, specially when confronted by more spiritual and less physical issues.:-
Tri-Doshic Prakruti
Kate has a tendency to use minimum of energy. She tends to store it. Irritation on different stimuli can cause energy consumption and will result in nothing. This means, he is just cool, calm, and smooth like Kapha. He needs a food that can just fulfill his energy requirement. Even few bucks of extra energies will lead him to blockage in his arteries, dump body, diabetes, over weight and many more bad conditions. Peter needs more energy to expend. He is sharp enough. He will have to be controlled by cool and calm food i.e. what is harmful for Kate will be useful for Peter. And he is just like a bike of low average and good pick up. His anger should be cooled by special Yogic exercises. Last one Virginianeeds the extra energy as she wastes too much in minimum works. She can't stand at a place if she is not offered few bucks for this purpose. She is always in hurry. So she needs to be tackled by a mixture of diet and routine of above two. Less food will lead her to deficiencies and extra will lead her to a fatty body. Besides these three body types there are also the body types which have the traits of two of these. So seven Doshic Prakrutis are:
Vata Prakruti
Pitta Prakruti
Kapha Prakruti
Vata-Pitta Prakruti
Pitta-Kapha Prakruti
Kapha-Vata Prakruti
Vata-Pitta-Kapha Prakruti
Following are the factors which decide the Prakruti of all of us. It all happens during the in uterine life.
Prakruti of the parents
Dosha status of mother and father according to age and time, when they are planning a new baby.
Food habits and daily routine of parents before conceiving of new life
Time, place and conditions in which fertilization between ovum and sperm occurs
Food habits of mother during Pregnancy period
Daily routine of mother when baby is growing What gets deciced before birth will remain same throughout the life. We can only find the way to cop up with the Prakruti of ours.If your parents had knowledge about this and they had surely planned you for complete health. They didn’t have this. When, you had this opportunity, why to miss this great opportunity. We are here to help you… Plan Prakruti of Your Baby.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Holistic health

Holistic health
Ayurveda ‘the Science of Life’ is a holistic system of medicine from India, which evolved from Brahma sages of Ancient India. The principles and philosophy of Ayurveda view man as an intricate whole, together with our external and internal environments. The doctrines are derived from universal laws of nature that have not changed a little through time. With subjective, objective, and intuitive approaches to gaining knowledge, incorporated with a deep understanding of the unseen intelligence of the universe, the practices of Ayurveda have withstood the test of time.Holistic health is a philosophy of complete health. This approach has different attitudes, these are –
Considers man as a whole, comprising body, mind (Psycho) and Consciousness (Spirit).
Beside this subtle approach, they took the whole body as a subjective matter not objective. All systems and organs are interrelated with each other. Here specialization is approached to the complete body not to its parts.
It has another approach, beyond an individual. An individual is thought in the context of universe. Universe and an individual are just same to each other. Man is a unit of universe. After looking at these concepts, it becomes clear that Ayurveda falls in the same category. Ayurveda covers all these points completely.Holistic health: Need of time
Today, the problems we are facing are less physical and more psychological. Cases in medicinal world are changing very quickly. Anti-biotic drugs are no more life saving drugs. Man is dying more due to heart failures, diabetes and neuropathies. We have better ways of sanitation, we are more civilized yet we are more ill? We have found all the ways to be happy in the name of comfort but we have lost the real zest of life in this run of time. We are able to regulate the temperature inside our rooms but we don’t know how to save our own earth from hard sun rays or how to find a solution of deadly sun rays, which are killing us in the name of skin cancers! Glaciers are melting day by day, we are able to freeze the things in our houses but not able to save the glaciers. We have upset the nature and now nature is rebelling to us. We will have to pay for all our deeds. So it is the time to go back to the nature and find the solution in a natural way. Holistic approach of medicine deals with this aspect. All holistic medicines concentrate on the physical as well as energy part. Few of us claim that the sciences related with the energy part are only holistic sciences. Ironically speaking, the sciences which look at the world in a way that things are conjugated with each other in the definitions of energy and matter are truly holistic sciences. Holistic health: Live a life full of energy
We all are rich materialistically and poor energetically. More then vitamin and mineral deficiencies we are suffering from deficit of energies.
Have we used all of our energies?
Can we borrow these energies from somewhere?
Can any one locate a store from where we can recharge our senses?
Is there any resource to get these energies? You have answers for these with yourself. You are a big hub of energies in yourself, what you need is to identify your energies and to enlighten these. If these will remain latent and stagnant, these are useless. Energy is that what flows, let your energies to flow. These should be interchanged with the cosmic energies. Once you will start doing this your energy level will be higher automatically. How to practice: Holistic health
There are the following ways to interact with the energies of the cosmos –
Use of sanctified herbs- Trees are blessed with nature’s all energies as these are exposed to all natural energies, without any hindrances. So by using specific herbs for the promotion of the in-vitro of body, one can attain better health. Rasyanas told in Ayurveda are made up of such blessed herbs only and one can revitalize all the energies by proper use of Rasyanas
By practicing the Yoga exercises in daily routine, according to the one’s body type and requirements.
Punctuation of life in accordance to the needs of life.
By help of an expert who, can lead us to the right way.