Tuesday, December 16, 2008

natural ayurvedic herbs

It helps in rheumatoid arthritis,lymphadenopathy and back pain Lt. Name- Boswelia serrataEnglish Name –Indian olibanum treeIndication-Because of its cold nature it is specially indicated in diseases caused by aggravated Pitta like chronic fever, bleeding disorders, excessive sweating& diarrhea.It works as anti inflammatory substance which is helpful in curbing any kind of swelling and pain due to presence of boswellic acid.It is very commonly used as wound healer herb and used on any kind of injury to make it heal faster in efficientlyIt is very helpful in indigestion, constipation, tastelessness, intestinal disturbance and stomach disorders & specially indicated in colitis.It helps in proper functioning of liver and its secretions i.e. bile juices.This herb has proved its worth in heart related ailments.It also helps in fighting against the urinary tract infections. Also works as diuretic.It also acts as aphrodisiac agent thereby helping in increasing the sperm count and quality.Presentation:Fine resins in air tight aluminum foil bagHow to use: Take one tea spoon full of powder with warm water after taking meals twice daily or consult our doctor to know moreSafety profile:It is an herbal formulation without any documented side effect.This information is as per Ayurvedic text. Not approved by FDA.

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